\n'); } function left_and_right(lrdir) { flashsaucer.StopPlay(); permission=false; dir_varlr=lrdir; if (!anime) {scrolltimer = null;} if (anime) {clearTimeout(scrolltimer);} if (dir_varlr=="left") { if (nolooper) {framepos1=0;} if(parseInt(saucerLyr.left)>-((available_width/2)-20)) {saucerLyr.left=parseInt(saucerLyr.left)-(3);} else { if (anime) { switchlr=false; l_and_r='right'; if (!nolooper) {framepos1=27;} scrolltimer = setTimeout("left_and_right('right')", 3);} } } else { if (nolooper) {framepos1=29;} if (parseInt(saucerLyr.left)<=((available_width/2)-35)) {saucerLyr.left=parseInt(saucerLyr.left)+(3);} else { if (anime) { switchlr=false; if (!nolooper) {framepos1=0;} l_and_r='left'; scrolltimer = setTimeout("left_and_right('left')", 3); } // flashsaucer.Play(); } } if (nolooper) { flashsaucer.GotoFrame(framepos1); scrolltimer = setTimeout("left_and_right(dir_varlr)", 3);} if (!nolooper) { scrolltimer = setTimeout("up_and_down(u_and_d)", 3);} } function up_and_down(uddir) { permission=false; dir_varud=uddir; if (!anime) {scrolltimer = null;} if (anime ) {clearTimeout(scrolltimer);} if (dir_varud=="up" ) { zoom_val=101; if(nolooper) {framepos1=7;} if ((parseInt(saucerLyr.top)-15)>(available_height/24)) {saucerLyr.top=parseInt(saucerLyr.top)-scaler;} else {if (anime) { switchud=false; u_and_d='down'; scrolltimer = setTimeout("up_and_down('down')", 3);} } } else { zoom_val=99; if(nolooper) {framepos1=17;} if (parseInt(saucerLyr.top)<(available_height*0.71)) { saucerLyr.top=parseInt(saucerLyr.top)+scaler;} else { if (anime) { switchud=false; u_and_d='up'; scrolltimer = setTimeout("up_and_down('up')", 3);} } } flashsaucer.StopPlay(); flashsaucer.GotoFrame(framepos1); if (zoom_val==99 && lvar<23950) { ///going down and getting larger if (lvar > 21958 && lvar <22001) {counter=24;} //gap of 42 if (lvar > 16928 && lvar <17001) {counter=42;} //gap of 72 if (lvar > 13898 && lvar <14001) {counter=72;} //gap of 102 lvar=lvar+counter; tvar=tvar+(counter/3); rvar=rvar-counter; bvar=bvar-(counter/1.5); } if (zoom_val==101 && lvar>0) { ///goingup and getting smaller if (lvar>22000 && lvar <22025) {counter=42;} //gap of 24 if (lvar>17000 && lvar <17043) {counter=72;} //gap of 42 if (lvar>14000 && lvar <14073) {counter=102;} //gap of 72 lvar=lvar-counter; tvar=tvar-(counter/3); rvar=rvar+counter; bvar=bvar+(counter/1.5); } flashsaucer.SetZoomRect(lvar, 360, rvar, bvar); //if (lvar<0 || lvar>23890) {flashsaucer.Play();} if (nolooper) {scrolltimer = setTimeout("up_and_down(dir_varud)", 3);} if (!nolooper) {scrolltimer = setTimeout("left_and_right(l_and_r)", 3);} } function angledir(direction) { //if (!anime) {scrolltimer = null;} //if (anime) {clearTimeout(scrolltimer);} //whatdirection=direction; nolooper=false; if (direction=='dnr') {framepos1=27;u_and_d='down';l_and_r='right';} if (direction=='dnl') {framepos1=2;u_and_d='down';l_and_r='left';} if (direction=='unl') {framepos1=2;u_and_d='up';l_and_r='left';} if (direction=='unr') {framepos1=27;u_and_d='up';l_and_r='right';} left_and_right(l_and_r); } function stopScroll() { clearTimeout(scrolltimer); nolooper=true; permission=true; generator(); } function start_anime() { anime=true; clipLayer(animeLyr,animclipArray,1); clipLayer(stopclpLyr,stopclipArray,0);} function subform() { if (!document.layers) {timerFORM = eval(doc + 'timerinput' + htm); timerval=timerFORM.nutimer.value;} if (document.layers) {timerval=help1HTML.timerinput.nutimer.value;} nutimerval=timerval*1000; helper(24); } function clipLayer(layer,array,index) { var cRight = array[index].right; var cLeft = array[index].left; layer.left = array[index].move; if(document.layers) {layer.clip.right = cRight; layer.clip.left = cLeft;} else {layer.clip = 'rect(0 ' + cRight + ' 22 ' + cLeft + ')';} } function clipValues(right,left,move) { this.right = right; this.left = left; this.move = move;} function magiccontents() { if(document.layers) { destination.open(); destination.write(maintext); destination.close(); } else { eval('parent.destination.innerHTML = maintext');} } function entsub(e) { nolooper=true; if ((document.all)){ //alert(event.keyCode); if (event.keyCode == 72) {n=2000; start_up(); saucerLyr.top=(available_height*0.4); helper(0); return false; } if (event.keyCode == 32) {start_up(); return false;} if (event.keyCode == 13) {subform(); return false;} if (event.keyCode == 65) { clipLayer(animeLyr,animclipArray,1); anime=true; angledir('unl'); return false;} } else if ((document.layers)|| (document.getElementById)) { //alert(e.which); if (e.which == 104||e.which == 72) {n=2000; start_up(); saucerLyr.top=(available_height*0.4); helper(0); return false;} if (e.which == 32) {start_up(); return false;} if (e.which == 13) {subform(); return false;} if (e.which == 97 || e.which==65 ) { clipLayer(animeLyr,animclipArray,1); anime=true; angledir('unl'); return false;} } else return true; }